Matt Allnutt – General Manager

matt-allnuttThe excitement I felt when I had my first winner is something that everyone should get to experience at least once in their lifetime. When “Boy O Boy” won on the 20th July 2003 paying $28 I was hooked. A totally indescribable feeling and one that I have been chasing ever since.

This passion for racing and owning horses all started at primary school. Gerard Langford, who was a good friend of mine, lived right on the Waimate racecourse and his father Dick Langford was a well known horse trainer in Waimate. I used to spend countless hours at the Langford household helping Dick jog and feed the horses and listen to Dick tell all the stories of his race riding days.

After leaving school I was employed by Wrightsons as a stock clerk, progressing to stock agent and auctioneer. As I was quite young when given the stock agent role, a couple of really good stockmen took me under their wing and taught me a lot about assessing livestock. I then decided to head offshore for a stint and ended up living in Japan for about four and a half years. More recently I have been employed by DB Breweries as a sales manager for the South Island. A company that sells fantastic products and was amazing to work for. I have a beautiful wife Megan and kids Jack and Ruby and we live in Christchurch.

Boy O Boy was raced as a group of friends and myself to ensure we caught up on a regular basis. Some great fun was had and even though this was his only win we still talk about it to this day. As a client of Go Racing I’ve enjoyed that kind of success again, and along with the excitement of winning, came the pleasure of meeting some fantastic people and building long lasting friendships along the way.

I am thrilled to be a part of the Go Racing team and would love you to come on board to share the success and fun with us. Contact me to discuss getting involved.